Last Updated: 25th January 2022 16:38
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and as part of UK Scouting’s Getting Back Together Safely framework this page helps parents, supporters, young people and volunteers understand the plans we have in place to ensure everyone returns to Scouting safely. The group is currently operating at the readiness status level below.
Readiness Level – GREEN
Outdoor & indoor sessions, trips & limited residentials can be held.
From Thursday 27th January the Government have confirmed there will be some changes to the way we can deliver Scouting activities within England only. Increased cleaning and the restriction in adults/parents dropping off at the door continues to be followed. Following that change the National Youth Agency and UK Scouting moved the readiness level to GREEN.
Our detailed plans are below and will vary depending on national guidance and local tier’s brought into place by the government (e.g. number participants in a session).
Take a look below at some of the areas that the group have planned for during our return. If you have any questions please contact your section leader.
In June 2020 the National Youth Agenda (NYA) released how youth sector organisations can safely return to face-to-face services as COVID-19 diminishes. This was shortly followed by The Scouts releasing their national framework for all the UK with a 14,000 adult members webinar. 1st Farnsfield have developed plans through sessions & a parent survey.
The detailed Scouts “Getting Back Together Safely” framework can be found on the The Scouts website here. In order for the group to implement any plans our detailed plans and risk assessments have to be approved by the Group Executive Committee and the District Executive Committee at each readiness level change as detailed below.
The Scouts framework outlines a set of principles aligned to keeping it simple & safe. This aids the groups decisions during the transition back to Scouting.
The Scouts framework sets out four readiness levels; Red, Amber, Yellow, and Green which are listed below. Our group has reviewed these levels & detailed our actions we will take and made it more meaningful for how we operate.
The level is set by the government which includes a maximum group size. The group implements plans approved by the district. If it escalates our plans roll back.
Operational Plan
The Scouts framework outlines a set of key documents which we must have in place. Our action plan on how we return is one of these. This details what we will do during the phased return to face-to-face sessions.
PDF DownloadRisk Assessments
There are several layers of risk assessments which the group has in place. These cover the following and can be accessed by clicking the links below:-
COVID-19 Group Risk Assessment
COVID-19 Residential Risk Assessment
Venue Risk Assessments
Activity Risk Assessments
Games Risk Assessments
As questions are asked we will populate the question and answers below to help parents, volunteers and young people know what is happening.
Attending a session at the Village Centre
While in YELLOW we will start to use the Village Centre. There are some key differences in using the centre compared to pre-COVID-19. These are summarised below:-
- Capacity – currently the Attic Room is limited to 19 people and the Lower Hall is limited to 16. Each room has their own zone with a toilet which people cannot cross.
- Drop Off – you must drop off your young person at the door on New Hill where a leader will wait. You cannot enter the building.
- Social Distancing – as with the old school field, at certain times, young people will be asked to stand on markers to keep distances. Doors and windows will be open for air flow
- Emergency – if you need to get into the building or contact a section leader call them on their contact details found in Online Scout Manager
- Collection – you must collect your young person around the back of the village centre down the side of The Stackyard which is accessed at the top of New Hill and Chapel Lane cross roads
- Hands – all young people will be asked to hand sanitise when entering and leaving the building
- Toilets – the toilets are used by only one person at a time and are cleaned at the start and end of each session
- Cleaning – the equipment and room are cleaned after each session
Does my young person need to wear a face covering?
Any young person who attends Scouts, Explorers or is a young leader needs to wear a face covering INDOORS only. Adult volunteers delivering sessions do not wear mask indoors unless social distancing circumstances require it.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Please visit for the latest symptoms. Key symptoms are 1) A new continuous cough; 2) A high temperature; 3) a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.
What if I have a confirmed case of COVID-19
Please follow government guidance. Seek advice from NHS 111, self-isolate & arrange tests. Notify your section leader if a positive case has been found in a member who has attended a session. Our Section Leader will notify people in attendance to watch for symptoms and follow government guidance. Those who attended the face-to-face session will not attend face-to-face sessions for 14 days who attended.
How do we drop off?
Within each venue risk assessment are instructions on where to drop off and collect from. This is to help us maintain social distancing. Click here to view the venue risk assessments. Please follow these as the collection may not be the same location.
Will there be hand wash facilities?
As part of our plans all venues, we will be meeting at, will have hand sanitiser or hand washing facilities for everyone to clean their hands. We encourage all people to wash their hands at the start and end of the meeting plus key points through the session depending on what activity is taking place.
What hygiene plans are in place?
The COVID-19 Group Risk Assessment details the plans to keep equipment, venue and participants clean. This risk assessment and plan can be found here.
What will happen when we move to RED?
For red, amber and yellow we will always operate virtual sessions. Red is the highest readiness level and thus we can only offer virtual sessions.
What will happen when we move to AMBER?
For red, amber and yellow we will always operate virtual sessions. On top of this during AMBER we will offer outdoor activities which may be adhoc each month like a bike ride or in a set outdoor venue.
What will happen when we move to YELLOW?
For red, amber and yellow we will always operate virtual sessions. On top of this during YELLOW we will offer outdoor activities which may be adhoc each month like a bike ride or in a set indoor venue. The key difference at this level is that we can offer indoor activities if we deem it safe and have it approved.
How much is membership fees?
During the September 2020 Autumn term the cost will be £15 per young person. From January 2021 fees will return to £35 per young person per term.
Who approves section plans to return?
Sections cannot just start to meet face-to-face. The Group Scout Leader and Group Executive Committee have to approve plans before submitting to the District Commissioner for review and approval. Only once approved by all of those people can face-to-face sessions start. This has to also happen as levels change.
What to do if returning from holiday abroad?
If you have just returned from holiday abroad please check the latest government advice as to whether you need to quarantine before returning to normal life and Scouting. The latest information and a list of exempt countries which do not require quarantine can be found here.
Does my young person need to wear a face covering?
Any young person who attends Scouts, Explorers or is a young leader needs to wear a face covering INDOORS only. Adult volunteers delivering sessions do not wear mask indoors unless social distancing circumstances require it.