Membership Subscriptions
The group is solely funded by our membership subscription so it is very important we receive it on time. This fee covers the week in week out activities and most importantly the insurance for our members. It does not cover extra activities outside of the headquarters.
Please click the “Pay My Subs Click Here” button below to setup your membership fees direct debit. The first date will be adjusted once we know a start date.
As of January 2024 membership subscriptions per term per person are currently set at £37 for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. They are due termly on 1st January, 1st May and 1st September. The fee is not linked to the number of nights per term or the number attended and is non-refundable once the date has been reached. The group pays in advance the insurances required to take part thus we cannot refund. The fee is reviewed each year and approved by our Trustee Board typically in September.
If it is your first term then a pro-rata fee will be paid based on the number of nights against the Nottinghamshire School Holiday calendar. This will take account of three free taster sessions. Following the first term the usual payment schedule mentioned above will continue.
Membership subscriptions are only payable via direct debit bank transfer through this website. If an active direct debit is not in place for membership fees we will view this that the young person is not attending and we will look to fill the space from our waiting list. Using direct debit vastly reduces the effort taken by our volunteers to manage our costs and the free time can be focused on delivering Scouting.
Please click the “Pay My Subs Click Here” button at the top of this page to setup your membership fees direct debit. The first date will be adjusted once we know a start date.
If you are volunteering each week then you are eligible for the concession rate of membership fees after the first full term. Get in touch with the Group Scout Leader to have this applied.