MEGA Meals for Cubs
Farnsfield Cubs have been taking on a cooking challenge as part of their Chef activity badge. The badge is one of forty badges the Cubs, aged 8 to 10.5, can earn while in the section. Normally this badge would be completed in person but with the current lockdown all Scouting has moved online.
The Chef badge consists of learning about the basic rules of safety and hygiene in the kitchen, cooking a two-course meal and tidying up.
Hexgreave Cubs were all challenged to design and make a MEGA sandwich which they prepared themselves at home while on the virtual session. For dessert there was banana splits, pancakes, strawberries and cream and may others. Bramley Cubs, who meet on a Tuesday, took on a Ready Steady Mug challenge to make a cake in a mug dessert with their own flavours.
At the start of February, both Scout sections have been investigating mental health as part of children’s mental health week by making wellbeing boxes and becoming wellbeing champions. Beavers have continued their space theme with a virtual talk from the National Space Centre in Leicester.
Thank you to the adults that have Scouting possible during this lockdown. If you have a skill and think you can help Farnsfield Cubs continue to offer young people skills for life then get in touch. We can’t do this without great adult volunteers. Visit to see what role might suit you or just get in contact with Chris on 07779324341 for a chat.