Farnsfield Cubs Take On Winter Challenge Hike
1st Farnsfield Cubs and Beavers joined over 1400 young people this January in the annual Nottinghamshire Emergency Scout Support Team (NESST) Challenge Walk. It is held every year in the lovely grounds of the Walesby Forest campsite in north Nottinghamshire.
The Beaver colony worked hard, walking a fabulous 2 miles, and the Cub pack completed an even greater ramble of four miles over more challenging varied terrain in the dark.
The young people had lots of fun and worked hard hiking over newly ploughed fields at night, while answering clues about super heroes along the way and enjoyed their well-earned hot dogs and chips at the end.
Both sections did extremely well, and earned themselves their well-deserved staged hikes away badge where they earn a badge for every hike they do! The sections spent an evening before the event preparing themselves for their winter walk; becoming familiar with survival bags, first aid kits, warm clothing, sensible footwear and waterproofs.
The young people had to carry their own water and spare clothing in order to be prepared, in case of themselves or a fellow walker getting cold or wet in the winter conditions.
Farnsfield Beavers and Cubs meet weekly during term time at the Farnsfield Village Centre.
If you would like to find out more, please contact Group Scout Leader Chris Blockley, on 07779324341.