Champion Cubs Swimming Team
Saturday 1st February saw the annual district swimming competition happen at Carlton Forum Leisure Centre in Nottingham. The annual event is put on by District Scout volunteers as a competition for all age groups from Cubs through to Explorers. It’s a great event giving young people of any age a chance to have a go at swimming different styles against each other as a team.
This year the event continued to be enjoyed by hundreds of young people across the district. 1st Farnsfield Cubs entered two teams and went through the heats and finals to come out champions of the Cub age range.
Nicky Downer, Assistant Cub Leader, who helped along with other adults at the event said “This year we entered two teams of Cubs aged 8 to 10.5 years old. They really got stuck in to the races and really deserved to win across the whole district.”.
The competition has over 40 races for all age ranges with differing swimming styles from freestyle to back stroke and front crawl. There is also a team relay event at the end.
Nicky went on to say “We will be trying to keep our trophy next year and will look to enter our new Scout Troop opening in March this year”. Farnsfield Scouts who are aged 10.5 to 14 years old has grown over the last year and the group is pleased to announce another section on a Wednesday night 7:15pm to 9pm.
Can you help us with an event like the Swimming Gala or a badge? If you can or just want a chat please contact Chris on 07779324341 or email